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Հայտնի ուղեցույցը ճանաչել է Հայաստանի գեղատեսիլ տեսարանները, մշակութային յուրահատկությունը և ազգային խոհանոցը արժանի այցի։
Eugenio 25.12.2011 13:35
Fast, nice and easy service, almost new car (Lada Niva), no a single thing to recall. Would go back... thanks!
Khachig Kabakjian 24.12.2011 11:59
Dears,I have used your excellent services during our stay this past September, and we have found a real professional company providing what we usually expect from any international rent-a-car service.I would like to congratulate you for your perfect service, me and my family were totally pleased for this bright image you give about our Armenia.God bless you all and keep moving forward.Khachig Kabakjian
артём 24.12.2011 11:03
Меня зовут артём, я родом из Еревана и этим очень горжусь! по истечению обстоятельств армению не посещал последние 17 лет и именно по этому решил воспользоватся этой замечательной услугой причём в ереване и вообше в армении мне не приходилось водить автомобиль и я думаю что новое знакомства с арменией несомненно за рулём комфортной иномарки проходит более захватывающи и запоменающим. Мой первый визит в Caravan был 07.06.2011г и я выбрал RAV-4 кстати нас было 4 взрослых и двое детей и меня встретили очень дружелюбно и в комфортном офисе где придложили знаменитый армянский кофе, пока я пил кофе Марта оформила всё необходимое а Эдгар подогнал автомобиль к офису я задержался чтобы допить кофе мне в счёт бонуса установили навигатор который в дальнейшем меня знакомил с арменией за 8 дней я обездил 50% армении погулял на свадбе брата и везде я был сам себе хозаин.в этом-же году я во второй раз приезжал ужэ по делам и снова примяком в Caravan, поверьте впечетлений было намного больше и сервис Caravan на высоте так что в следующий раз сразу в караван темболее они уважают и пощряют посточнных клиентов
Аллахверди Балаян 23.12.2011 18:29
Большое спасибо Вашей компании !У Вас хороший и внимательный персонал. При каждом посещении Армении, буду обращаться к Вам. Здоровья и успехов в Новом году !!!
Thomas L. Webber 27.10.2011 18:34
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Dear Edgar Manoukyan,
Let me take this opportunity to thank you and your team at: CaraVan Rent-A-Cars in Yerevan Armenia!!
Firstly, your service on Sunday was outstanding and then your collection of the same rent-a-car from the Marriott on Tuesday was very professional.
The amount of: 120,000 AEM, that was the authorized amount has been returned to my VISA account. Thank you for looking into that challenge.
I will be highly recommending your company on both of the following trip web-sites: TripAdvisor.com and Agoda.com. Please keep an eye out for my positive reviews.Finally, I am cc'ing Mrs. Sylvia Najarian who was our Tour Director along with her husband Mr. Vasken Yacoubian as they both have a home in Yerevan and could be using your rent-a-car service in the future. She was very interested to know how the rent-a-car went for me and she also wanted your e-mail contacts. Also, Mrs Gail B. Talanian O'Reilly, a part owner of the Armenia Marriott Hotel, has also asked me to send her your contacts, she may have need for your service in the near future.
Once again Edgar a special thank you to you and your team at CaraVan Rent a car for the professional and expeditious service.
Best Regards,
Thomas L. Webber
Middle East Special Consultant
Dear Edgar Manoukyan,
Let me take this opportunity to thank you and your team at: CaraVan Rent-A-Cars in Yerevan Armenia!!
Firstly, your service on Sunday was outstanding and then your collection of the same rent-a-car from the Marriott on Tuesday was very professional.
The amount of: 120,000 AEM, that was the authorized amount has been returned to my VISA account. Thank you for looking into that challenge.
I will be highly recommending your company on both of the following trip web-sites: TripAdvisor.com and Agoda.com. Please keep an eye out for my positive reviews.Finally, I am cc'ing Mrs. Sylvia Najarian who was our Tour Director along with her husband Mr. Vasken Yacoubian as they both have a home in Yerevan and could be using your rent-a-car service in the future. She was very interested to know how the rent-a-car went for me and she also wanted your e-mail contacts. Also, Mrs Gail B. Talanian O'Reilly, a part owner of the Armenia Marriott Hotel, has also asked me to send her your contacts, she may have need for your service in the near future.
Once again Edgar a special thank you to you and your team at CaraVan Rent a car for the professional and expeditious service.
Best Regards,
Thomas L. Webber
Middle East Special Consultant
Sara 25.10.2011 12:22
We rented an automatic Hyundai Tuscon for 4 days and it was perfect. Wonderful handling and very comfortable. The staff at Car&Van were very helpful and pleasant - it was a pleasure to deal with them. We will certainly rent again in the future.
Ludwig 30.09.2011 14:57
Its been a while I am using Caravan Rent a Car services and I would like to note that it was a great pleasure to work with them. During the past year I have tried other companies also, but none of them treated me with the high level customer support as Caravan's team. All the images on the site are 100% real and cars are in a really good condition, I have rented most of them.Thank you guys for being around. It is a great pleasure for me to work with you.
Anna Gharemanyan 04.08.2011 14:17
Hi Marta,Edgar and Nairi.Thank you so much for a great service.I lost count how many cars I hired in the past 6 weeks but every trip was fantastic.Thank you Nairi for a "Formula 1" superfast carwash at 11pm:-)))))...as discussed Nairi....can you get a BMW..for my next trip?:-))))Just kidding,take care and looking forward to see you again very soon.Kind Regards,Anna
Edgar 27.07.2011 16:38
Добрый день, Эдгар и Марта ! Спасибо Вам и Ваше руководство за Ваш деликатный подход к каждому клиенту и проявленный професионализм в работе. Я отлично провёл отведённые дни в Ереване и с Вашей помощю я быстро и с комфортом решил много важных задач. Желаю Вам и Вашим семьям здоровья и счастья а Вашей фирме финансового процветания и долголетия на рынке услуг. Удачи и благословения Вам.
Petr Passinger 20.07.2011 15:53
I already tried different car rental services in Canada, USA, UAE or Israel and Car&Van services beats all of them! Everything worked well for us from the first day to the latest. We got not only a free level upgrade of the car, but a lot of suggestions and tips for and on the way. Edgar from Car&Van was always really helpful and smiling even when he got calls from russian soldiers when they examined us at the turkish borders. :) Fruthermore his fluent Czech was a big plus!
Ovanes Sungarian 18.06.2011 19:44
Hello Nairi, Marta, Edgar and VaheWe rented from Caravan a minivan with a driver for eleven days in June 2011. There were six of us. We were given a free upgrade. The car was almost new and performed flawlessly. The service was excelent The staff was very helpful. The best was our driver, Vahe, who went to great lengths to make this an unforgettable experience. He became a close friend. We intend to stay in touch with him. Thank you all. Especially Vahe. Hope to see you all soon.
Андрей 02.06.2011 01:58
Барев дзес, Марта и всем ребятам, с кем общались ! .. Молодцы ! .. работаете на 5 баллов .. С Вашей помощью отпуск получился лучше, чем намечали .. узнали замечательную страну и хороших людей ... Удачи !!!
Евгений 11.05.2011 01:30
Марта, спасибо, все четко и профессионально! Машина
великолепная, Армения – очень красивая, армяне показали мне совершенно другой
вид человеческих отношений, в основе кот-х взаимоуважение, внимание и фиксация
на позитивном. И гостеприимство. Для меня, как для коренного москвича – это
сильное переживание. И я
очень хотел бы вернуться.
Maga 08.05.2011 17:24
barev caravanin ameninch hrashali e,,kporcem ogtvel,,urax em ,vor yerevanum ayspisi carayutyunner kan ,,dez hajoxutyunner::::
David T. 08.04.2011 01:24
Certainly the best service available for car rentals in Armenia. Professional, cost-effective and easy to use, its like walking in to an Enterprise Rent-a-car in LA. Definitely will use next time we are in beautiful Armenia.
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